Stage I: Keeping the eyes closed, inhale and exhale as deeply
as possible, contracting the abdominal muscles to expel the maximum amount of air from the lungs. With the breath held outside perform moola bandha while concentrating on mooladhara chakra in the perineum.
Retain the breath outside for as long as is comfortable. Stage 2: Release moola bandha.
Inhale slowly and deeply, expanding the abdomen fully to draw as much air into the lungs as possible. Simultaneously, raise the hands until they are in front of the navel. The hands should be open with the fingers pointing towards each other but not touching, and the palms facing the trunk of the body. The movement of the hands should be coordinated with the abdominal inhalation. The arms and hands should be relaxed. While inhaling from the abdomen, try to feel the prana or vital energy being drawn from mooladhara chakra to manipura chakra in the spinal column.
Stage 5
Stage 4