Vipareeta Karani Mudra (inverted psychic attitude)
Assume the inverted posture of vipareeta karani asana (see chapter Inverted Asanas). Keeping the legs straight and together, tilt them slightly over the head so that the eyes look straight up at the feet. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Fix the awareness at manipura chakra in the spine, directly behind the navel. This is the starting position. Inhale slowly and deeply with ujjayi pranayama. Feel the breath and consciousness moving from manipura to vishuddhi chakra situated in the spine, behind the throat pit. While exhaling, maintain the awareness at vishuddhi. At the end of exhalation, immediately bring the awareness back to manipura and repeat the same process. Continue for as long as the asana can be comfortably
maintained. Duration: Practise 5 to 7 rounds or until discomfort arises. If
pressure builds up in the head, end the practice. Gradually increase the number of rounds up to 21 over a period of months. The length of the inhalation and exhalation will increase spontaneously over time as the practice becomes more
comfortable. Awareness: On manipura, vishuddhi and the movement of
the breath Sequence: At the end of the daily practice programme and
before meditation. Do not perform after vigorous exercise or for at least 3 hours after meals. Upon completion of the practice it is advisable to do a backward bending asana
such as matsyasana, bhujangasana or ushtrasana. Time of practice: Vipareeta karani mudra should be practised
daily at the same time, preferably in the early morning.