Unmani Mudra (the attitude of mindlessness)
Sit in any comfortable meditation asana, preferably siddha/ siddha yoni asana or padmasana.
Open the eyes fully but without straining.
Take a deep breath in and, holding the breath inside, focus the awareness at bindu in the back of the head for a few seconds.
Breathe out and let the awareness descend with the breath from bindu through the chakras in the spine: ajna, vishuddhi, anahata, manipura, swadhisthana, mooladhara. The eyes should slowly close and be fully closed by the time the awareness reaches mooladhara.
Even when the eyes are open the awareness is looking within. Do not try too hard but allow the process to occur spontaneously.
Inhale deeply and begin the next round.
Continue for 5 to 10 minutes.
Contra-indications: As for shambhavi mudra.
Benefits: Unmani mudra is a simple technique that induces a meditative state. It also calms general stress and agitation. Practice note: Physically, this practice is very easy to perform. The emphasis, however, should be on the mental process taking place. When the eyes are open they should not register anything outside.
Note: The word unmani literally means 'no mind' or 'not thinking'. It may also be translated as 'the attitude of thoughtlessness' or 'meditation'. Unmani implies that state which is beyond thought, a state where all attachment to the world of objects is dispelled. In this state, the mind functions and action takes place but without the hindrance of conflicting thoughts and analysis. This is known as unmani awastha, the state of no thought.