Benefits: Physically, the energy and heat from the hands and
fingers stimulate and relax the nerves and muscles of the face. Physically, this practice helps in the treatment of eye, nose and throat infections and to alleviate vertigo. Mentally, it balances the internal and external awareness. Spiritually, it induces the state of pratyahara or sense
withdrawal. Practice note: Do not expect to hear subtle sounds immediately;
practice is necessary. At first there may be no sound or a confused jumble of sounds. Upon hearing one distinct sound, focus the awareness totally upon it. This may take a few weeks of practice. As sensitivity develops, another fainter sound will be heard behind it. Leave the first sound and transfer the awareness to the fainter sound. Again, a third sound will begin to emerge behind the second sound. Carry on in this way, discarding the grosser sounds for the more subtle. The aim is to reach the source of all sound,
not to become lost in the beautiful sounds along the way. Note: The word shanmukhi is comprised of two roots: shan means
'seven' and mukhi means 'gates' or 'faces'. Shanmukhi mudra involves redirecting the awareness inside by closing the seven doors of outer perception: the two eyes, ears and nostrils, and the mouth. This practice is also known as baddha yoni asana, the locked source pose; devi mudra, attitude of the great goddess; parangmukhi mudra, the gesture of inner focusing; and sambhava mudra, the gesture of equipoise.