If performed with awareness for a long period, it helps to awaken mooladhara chakra and induce meditative states. It takes the practitioner into the psychic and spiritual planes of consciousness.
Note: The word nasi means 'nose', kagra means 'tip' and drishti means 'gazing'. Another name for this practice is agochari mudra which comes from the Sanskrit word agocharam meaning 'beyond sensory perception', 'unknown' or 'invisible'. This mudra, therefore, enables the practitioner to transcend normal awareness.
Symbolically, in nasikagra drishti the bridge of the nose is related to the spinal cord. At the top is the eyebrow centre, ajna chakra, while at the bottom is the nose tip, mooladhara chakra. Just as shambhavi mudra aims to activate ajna chakra by gazing at the eyebrow centre, nasikagra drishti aims to activate mooladhara chakra by gazing at the nose tip.