Nasikagra Drishti (nose tip gazing)
Sit in any comfortable meditation posture with the head and spine straight.
Rest the hands on the knees in either chin or jnana mudra. Close the eyes and relax the whole body.
Open the eyes and focus them on the nose tip.
Do not strain the eyes in any way.
When the eyes are correctly focused a double outline of the nose is seen. These two lines converge at the tip of the nose forming an inverted V-image.
Concentrate on the apex of the V.
Try to become completely absorbed in the practice to the exclusion of all other thoughts.
After a few seconds, close the eyes and relax them before repeating the practice.
Continue for up to 5 minutes.
Breathing: Nasikagra drishti should be practised with normal breathing in the beginning until the eyes have adjusted to the downward gaze.
Later the practice can be combined with antar kumbhaka (inner retention) but not with bahir kumbhaka (external retention). When combining the practice with antar kumbhaka, the eyes remain closed during inhalation and exhalation.
Awareness: Although the eyes are open, the aim of this practice is to create introspection. The open eyes should not be aware of the outside world. Focusing them on the nose tip concentrates the mind.
Time of practice: Nasikagra drishti may be practised at any time of day although ideally it is performed early in the morning or late at night before sleep.
Contra-indications: As for shambhavi mudra.
Those suffering from depression should avoid this introverting practice.
Benefits: The benefits of nasikagra drishti are similar to those of trataka (see the section Shatkarma). Nasikagra drishti is an excellent technique for calming anger and disturbed states of mind. It develops the powers of concentration.