Note: Shambhavi is the wife or consort of Shambhu and both are aspects of Shakti and Lord Shiva. According to tradition, Shambhu taught Shambhavi the practice of shambhavi mudra as a means of attaining higher awareness. It is said that practising this mudra will stir Shambhu and make Him appear, meaning that it will induce higher consciousness within the practitioner. The practice is also known as bhrumadhya drishti; bhru means 'eyebrow centre' and drishti means gazing', hence this is the practice of eyebrow centre gazing.
Preparatory practice: It may be difficult at first to focus the eyes on the nose tip. To overcome this, hold the index finger up at arm's length from the eyes and focus on it. Slowly bring the finger towards the nose, keeping the gaze steadily fixed upon it.
When the finger touches the tip of the nose, the eyes should still be focused on the finger.
Transfer the focus of the eyes to the nose tip.
Eventually this method becomes superfluous and the eyes readily fix on the nose tip at will.