Khechari Mudra (tongue lock)
Sit in any comfortable meditation pose, preferably padmasana or siddha/siddha yoni asana, with the head and spine straight and the hands in chin or jnana mudra. Relax the whole body and close the eyes. Fold the tongue upward and backward so that the lower surface lies in contact with the upper palate. Stretch the tip of the tongue backward as far as is comfortable. Do not strain. Perform ujjayi pranayama. Breathe slowly and deeply. Hold for as long as possible. At first there may be some discomfort and ujjayi pranayama may irritate the throat, but with practice it will become more comfortable. When the tongue becomes tired, relax it and then repeat
the practice. Breathing: Gradually reduce the respiration rate over a period
of months until the number of breaths per minute is 5 or
6. This may be reduced further under expert guidance. Duration: Practise for 5 to 10 minutes. Khechari mudra may
also be performed with other yoga practices. Awareness: Physical - at the throat.
Spiritual - at vishuddhi chakra. The awareness will also change depending on the meditation practice being
performed. Precaution: Discontinue this mudra if a bitter secretion is tasted.
Such a secretion is a sign of toxins in the system. Contra-indications: Tongue ulcers and other common mouth
ailments will temporarily preclude performance of this
practice. Benefits: Khechari mudra stimulates a number of pressure
points located in the back of the mouth and the nasal