Adjust the tension in the spine to help focus on the point of contraction. Repeat 10 times with maximum contraction and total relaxation.
Technique 2: Moola Bandha with internal breath retention
Sit in a meditation asana where the knees firmly touch the floor. The best asanas are siddha/siddha yoni asana or moola bandhasana which press the heel into the perineum and help to improve the performance of the bandha. Place the palms on the knees. Close the eyes and relax the whole body for a few minutes. Inhale deeply, retain the breath inside and perform jalandhara bandha. Maintaining jalandhara, perform moola bandha by slowly contracting the perineal/vaginal region and holding the contraction as tightly as possible. Do not strain. This is the final lock. Hold it for as long as the breath can comfortably be retained. Slowly release moola bandha, raise the head to the upright position, and exhale.
Practise up to 10 times. Breathing: The above practice may also be performed with
external breath retention. Awareness: Physical - while taking the final position and per
forming jalandhara bandha, awareness should be directed to the breath. In the final position the awareness should be fixed at the place of perineal contraction. Spiritual - on the breath and then on mooladhara chakra
during contraction. Contra-indications: This practice should only be performed
under the guidance of an experienced yoga teacher. Moola bandha raises the energies very fast, and can precipitate symptoms of hyperactivity if wrongly prescribed or if
preliminary preparation is not thorough. Benefits: Moola bandha bestows many physical, mental and
spiritual benefits. It stimulates the pelvic nerves and tones