Technique I: Moola Bandha (perineum contraction) Stage I: Sit in siddha/siddha yoni asana so that pressure is
applied to the perineal/vaginal region. Close the eyes and relax the whole body. Be aware of the natural breath for a short while. Then focus the awareness on the perineal/vaginal region. Contract this region by pulling up on the muscles of the pelvic floor and then relaxing them. Continue to briefly contract and relax the perineal/vaginal
region as rhythmically and evenly as possible. Stage 2: Slowly contract this region and hold the contraction.
Continue to breathe normally; do not hold the breath. Be totally aware of the physical sensation. Contract a little tighter, but keep the rest of the body relaxed. Contract only those muscles related to the mooladhara region. In the beginning the anal and urinary sphincters also contract, but as greater awareness and control is developed, this will be minimised and eventually will cease. Ultimately, the practitioner will feel one point of movement against the heel. Relax the muscles slowly and evenly.