the uro-genital and excretory systems. Intestinal peristalsis is also stimulated, relieving constipation and piles. It is also beneficial for anal fissures, ulcers, prostatitis, some cases of prostatic hypertrophy and chronic pelvic infections. Because this practice releases energy, it is also effective in the treatment of psychosomatic and some degenerative illnesses. Its effects spread throughout the body via the brain and endocrine system making it very beneficial in cases of asthma, bronchitis and arthritis. It also relieves depression. The perfection of this practice leads to a spontaneous realignment of the physical, mental and psychic bodies in preparation for spiritual awakening. Moola bandha is both a means to attain sexual control (brahmacharya) and to alleviate a multitude of sexual disorders. It enables sexual energy to be directed either upward for spiritual development, or downward to enhance marital relations. It helps to relieve sexual frustration, suppression of sexual energy and feelings of sexual guilt. Practice note: Moola bandha is the contraction of certain
muscles in the pelvic floor. It does not contract the whole perineum. In the male body the area of contraction lies between the anus and the testes. In the female body, the point of contraction is behind the cervix, where the uterus projects into the vagina. On the subtle level it is the energising of mooladhara chakra. The perineal body, which is the convergence point of many muscles in the groin, acts as a trigger point for the location of mooladhara chakra. Initially, these areas are hard to isolate and it is recommended that ashwini and vajroli mudras be perfected first in preparation for moola bandha.
Note: The Sanskrit word moola means 'root', 'firmly fixed', 'source' or 'cause'. In this context it refers to the root of the spine or the perineum where mooladhara chakra, the seat of kundalini, the primal energy, is located. Moola bandha is effective in releasing brahma granthi and for locating and awakening mooladhara chakra. For further details refer to the Bihar School of Yoga publication Moola Bandha.