Parighasana (beam or cross-bar pose)
Kneel on the floor with the ankles together, toes flat on the floor and the trunk upright.
Mentally relax the whole body.
Stretch the right leg sideways to the right, keeping it in line with the trunk and the left knee.
Turn the right toes in slightly and rest the sole of the right foot on the ground.
Raise the arms sideways at shoulder level so that they form one straight line.
Move the trunk and right arm towards the extended leg. Rest the right forearm and wrist on the right shin and ankle respectively, with the right palm facing upward. The right ear will then rest on the right upper arm. Move the left arm over the head and place the left palm on top of the right palm.
The left ear will now touch the left upper arm.
Make sure that the head and trunk face forwards so the front of the body lies in one plane.
This is the final position.
Remain in this pose for as long as is comfortable, up to one minute.