Try to cross the feet behind the head.
Do not strain.
In the final position, point the arms forward and place the palms together.
Relax the whole body.
Close the eyes and maintain the position for as long as is comfortable.
Release the legs and return to the starting position. Breathing: Breathe normally while assuming the final position. Breathe slowly and deeply in the final position. Duration: Practise once during an asana programme. Awareness: Physical - on the breath.
Spiritual on swadhisthana chakra.
Sequence: Dwi pada kandharasana should not be attempted before eka pada sirasana is mastered. It should be practised towards the end of the asana programme and followed by a backward bending asana such as dhanurasana, bhujangasana or matsyasana.
Contra-indications: To prevent strained muscles and torn ligaments this asana should not be attempted unless the body is very flexible. It should be avoided by persons with any back ailment.
Benefits: This asana helps to control the nervous system. The solar plexus and the adrenal glands are powerfully massaged, increasing vitality. It tones all the abdominal and pelvic organs, improving the efficiency of the digestive, reproductive and eliminatory systems.