Once balance is achieved, proceed to the following stages: Stage I: Place the palms together at the chest and breathe
normally. Maintain this position for 10 to 30 seconds, then again
place the palms beside the hips. Stage 2: Straighten the elbows, exhale, and lift the whole body
off the floor, balancing on the hands. Do not release the ankle lock. Maintain this position for a comfortable length of time
and then gently lower the body to the ground. Other details: As for dwi pada kandharasana.
Dwi Pada Kandharasana (two-legged shoulder pose)
Lie on the back. The legs should be in a straight line with the body and the arms should rest at the sides. Relax the whole body. Bend one leg and bring it up towards the head. Place it so that the foot is behind the head and the leg under the arm. Repeat the process with the other leg so that both arms rest above the legs. Gently press the legs downward with the arms.