Awareness: Physical - on raising the body to the upright
position, normal breathing in the final position and on maintaining balance.
Spiritual - on anahata chakra. Other details: As for eka pada sirasana. Practice note: Since it is very difficult to balance in this pose, it
may be necessary to ask the help of a friend or make use of a wall in the beginning.
Stage I
Stage 2
Dwi Pada Sirasana (two feet to head pose)
Perform eka pada sirasana and take a few normal breaths. Exhale, take hold of the left ankle with the left hand, pull the thigh up and back and place the leg over the left shoulder as described for eka pada sirasana. Lock the feet behind the neck by crossing the ankles. Do not strain. Place the hands on the floor by the side of the hips and balance on the coccyx.