Brahmacharyasana (celibate's pose)
Sit with the legs together and outstretched in front of the body. Make sure the spine and head are upright and straight. Place the palms of the hands on the floor on either side of the hips with the fingers pointing forward and the elbows straight. Adjust the position of the hands, bringing them slightly forward, until the centre of gravity is found. Push down with the arms, using the abdominal muscles to lift the buttocks, legs and feet from the floor. In the final position only the palms of the hands remain on the floor. The whole body is supported and balanced on the hands alone. The legs should be horizontal and straight. Keep the spine and head as straight as possible. Do not strain. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Slowly lower the buttocks and legs to the floor. Relax for a few moments with the legs outstretched before performing the next round.