Breathing: Inhale while seated on the floor.
Retain inside while raising and balancing the body.
Exhale while returning to the floor. Duration: Up to 3 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance or on the tension
in the abdomen, hips, arms or perineum.
Spiritual - on mooladhara or manipura chakra. Sequence: Follow with shavasana or advasana. Benefits: This asana strengthens the abdominal organs and
muscles, as well as the arms. The muscles of the perineum contract strongly while this asana is performed, automatically inducing vajroli mudra, ashwini mudra, and moola bandha. Consequently, it is an important asana for the conservation of sexual energy for spiritual purposes. It may also be used for the treatment of prolapse in women. Those who find this pose too difficult, may utilise the
simplified variation. Variation: Sit on the floor with the legs outstretched.
Place the hands on either side of the buttocks with the palms flat on the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Adjust the hands to find the centre of gravity. Keep the spine as straight as possible throughout. Inhale and, while holding the breath, raise both heels about 25cm from the floor. Brace the movement by pushing down on the palms. Keep the knees straight. Hold for as long as is comfortable. Try not to allow the trunk and head to bend backward. Slowly exhale and lower the heels to the floor. Perform 2 or 3 times and then relax in shavasana.