Sequence: After completing this asana, sit with both of the
legs extended forward for one or two minutes. Contra-indications: People who suffer from conditions such as
slipped disc, sciatica, hernia and dislocation of the hip
joint are strictly advised not to attempt this asana. Benefits: This pose improves flexibility and blood circulation
in the legs and hips. It massages the abdominal organs, tones the reproductive system and prepares the female
body for childbirth. Practice note: Hanumanasana is the ultimate test of leg and
hip flexibility. Very few people will be able to lower the body to the floor in the final position. Those who cannot may place a cushion or folded blanket underneath the
pelvic floor to avoid strain. Note: Hanuman was a great devotee of Lord Rama who possessed
extraordinary strength and power. The combination of devotion, flexibility, strength of body and will which is associated with him is generated by this asana.