Hanumanasana (Hanuman's pose)
Kneel on the left knee and place the right foot about 30 cm in front of the left knee.
Place the palms of the hands on the floor on either side of the right foot.
Gently and gradually slide the right foot forward. Simultaneously, support the weight of the body on the
Straighten both legs, moving the right foot as far forward and the left as far backward as they will go without strain. In the final position the buttocks are lowered so that the pelvic floor and both legs rest on the ground in one straight line.
Close the eyes, relax the body and bring the palms together in front of the sternum.
Check that the back knee is straight.
Hold the position for as long as is comfortable.
Return to the starting position.
Repeat the asana with the opposite leg forward.
Breathing: Breathe normally throughout.
Duration: Once on each side.
Awareness: Physical - on the stretch of the leg muscles and on
the breath.
Spiritual on mooladhara, ajna or anahata chakra.