Padma Mayurasana (lotus or bound peacock pose)
Sit in padmasana and mentally relax the whole body. Using the hands, raise the body so that the weight is supported on the knees.
Place the palms flat on the floor in front of the body with the fingers pointing backwards towards the knees. Bend the elbows and bring them together.
Lean forward and place the elbows against each side of the abdomen.
Lean further forward so that the chest rests on the upper arms. Find the balance point of the body.
Lean further forward and slowly raise the folded legs from the floor. Do not strain.
The trunk, head and legs should lie in one horizontal, straight line. This is the final position.
Maintain the position for a comfortable length of time. Slowly lower the knees and return to the starting position. Change the position of the legs, making the opposite leg uppermost, and perform another round.
Other details: As for mayurasana.
Practice note: If the practitioner is able to sit comfortably in padmasana, padma mayurasana is easier to perform than the basic mayurasana pose, especially for women.