Breathing: Inhale while in the standing position.
Exhale while bending backwards and grasping the ankles. Breathe normally in the final position. Retain the breath inside while returning to the starting position.
Exhale in the standing position. Duration: Practise a maximum of 3 times. Gradually extend
the length of time in the posture. Awareness: Physical - on relaxing the back and maintaining
Spiritual - on manipura chakra. Sequence: Follow with a standing, forward bending posture
such as utthita janu sirshasana. Contra-indications: Not for people with stomach ulcers, high
blood pressure, coronary thrombosis or serious back
ailments. Benefits: This asana stretches and tones the abdominal muscles
and organs. It increases circulation in the back, stimulating and toning the nerves of the spine. It strengthens the legs
and develops balance. Variation: Stand erect with the feet one foot apart and the toes
turned out to the sides. Raise the arms over the head and slowly bend the trunk backward from the waist. Simultaneously, bend the knees and bring them forward. Move the arms to the sides and reach down to grasp the ankles.
Note: The basic pose is comparable to dhanurasana in the standing
position and the variation is comparable to poorna dhanurasana in the standing position.