Mayurasana (peacock pose)
Kneel on the floor. Place the feet together and separate the knees. Lean forward and place both palms between the knees on the floor with the fingers pointing towards the feet. The hand position will have to be adjusted according to comfort and flexibility. Bring the elbows and forearms together. Lean further forward and rest the abdomen on the elbows and the chest on the upper arms. Stretch the legs backward so they are straight and together. Tense the muscles of the body and slowly elevate the trunk and legs so that they are horizontal to the floor Hold the head upward. The whole body should now be balanced only on the palms of the hands. Try to elevate the legs and feet higher, keeping them straight by applying more muscular effort and by adjusting the balance of the body. Do not strain. In the final position the weight of the body should be supported by the muscles of the abdomen and not the chest.