As the neck, shoulders, spine and abdomen are all extended in this pose, breathing may be fast and heavy. However, try to breathe normally in the final position. When starting to practise vrischikasana the legs may be lowered in stages; inhaling and relaxing the spine, exhaling and lowering a little more each time. Duration: Vrischikasana is difficult to maintain for long. In the beginning it may be held up to 30 seconds, although adepts may maintain it up to 5 minutes.
Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance. Spiritual on ajna chakra.
Sequence: Practise vrischikasana at the end of an asana session. Follow with a forward bending asana for an equal amount of time. After that, perform tadasana for 30 seconds. Finally, rest in shavasana.
Contra-indications: This asana should not be practised by people with high blood pressure, vertigo, cerebral thrombosis, chronic catarrh or heart disease. Only those who can perform all the inverted poses without the slightest difficulty should attempt it.
Benefits: Vrischikasana reorganises prana in the body, arresting the physical ageing process. It increases the blood flow to the brain and pituitary gland, revitalising all the body's systems and rectifying nervous and glandular disorders. It increases circulation in the lower limbs and abdomen, alleviating piles and varicose veins, and toning the reproductive organs. The arched position stretches and loosens the back, toning the nerves of the spine. It strengthens the arms and develops the sense of balance.
Practice note: Practise near a wall until this pose is perfected. There should be no furniture or other objects nearby against which the body may fall, if balance is lost.
Note: In order to sting its victim, the scorpion arches its tail above its back and then strikes beyond its head. This asana resembles a striking scorpion.
Vrischikasana also has a psychological significance. The head, which is the seat of knowledge, is also the seat of pride, anger,