Vrischikasana (scorpion pose)
Place a folded blanket or a soft cushion on the floor for the head. Assume the final position of sirshasana. Relax the whole body, bend the knees and arch the back. After securing the balance, move the forearms carefully so that they lie on each side of the head, parallel with each other, palms flat on the floor. Lower the feet as far as possible toward the head. Slowly raise the head backward and upward. Raise the upper arms so that they are vertical. The heels should rest on the crown of the head in the final position. Try to relax the whole body as much as possible. Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable. Slowly return to sirshasana and lower the feet to the floor. Relax in shashankasana for a minute or two before
assuming the upright position. Breathing: Retain the breath inside while assuming sirshasana
and while going into the final position. Breathe normally in sirshasana.