Vashishthasana (straight arm stretch pose)
Assume the position of santolanasana.
Raise the right arm and roll the body over onto the left side. The outer side of the left foot must be firmly on the floor with the right foot resting on top of it.
The right arm should lie along the right side and thigh. Balance in this position, keeping the body straight. Bend the right knee and take hold of the big toe. Straighten the knee and raise the leg to the vertical position. Turn the head and focus the gaze on the right big toe. Balance the body, keeping the legs and arms straight. Hold the final position for a short duration.
Do not strain.
Bend the right knee and release the toe. Lower the leg and return to santolanasana.
Lower the knees to the floor and relax in marjari-asana or shashankasana.
Repeat the practice on the other side.
Breathing: Breathe normally while in santolanasana.
Retain the breath inside while assuming the final position and lowering the leg.