Rest the upper arm and hand along the trunk and thigh. Roll back to the initial position and repeat the movement to the left side.
Variation 2: Assume the final position of santolanasana.
Focus the eyes on a point in front of the body.
Raise the right arm and place it behind the back so that the forearm rests across the small of the back.
Lower the arm and repeat on the other side. Variation 3: Assume the final position of santolanasana.
Focus the eyes on a point in front of the body.
Either keep both hands on the floor or assume the raised arm position of variation 2.
Raise the right leg, stretching it back and up. Hold for a short duration.
Lower the leg and arm. Repeat on the left side. Breathing: Breathe normally in the base position.
Retain the breath inside when practising the variations. Duration: Up to 5 times on each side.
Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance. Spiritual on manipura chakra.
Benefits: This asana improves nervous balance and develops a sense of inner equilibrium and harmony. It strengthens the muscles of the arms, shoulders and spine, and balances the interaction between the dorsal and ventral muscles.