Raise the left arm to the side for balance and perform chin or gyana mudra with the hand. Hold the final position for as long as possible. Bend the knee, release the toe and slowly lower the foot to the floor. Relax the arms.
Repeat with the opposite leg. Breathing: Inhale after grasping the big toe.
Exhale while straightening the raised leg, then inhale. Exhale while pulling the leg higher. Breathe deeply in the final position.
Exhale while lowering the leg Duration: Hold the final position for up to 60 seconds. Those
people who are unable to maintain the pose may repeat
up to 5 times with each leg. Awareness: Physical - on maintaining balance by focusing on
a fixed point at eye level.
Spiritual - on mooladhara or swadhisthana chakra. Contra-indications: Do not strain the leg muscles. This asana
should not be practised by people with sciatica or with hip
or knee joint complaints. Benefits: Improves concentration and coordinates muscular
and nervous balance. The hips and the leg muscles are
strengthened and toned. Variation I: Repeat the basic form but hold the raised straight
leg with both hands. Clasp the fingers together and place them behind the heel. Using the arms as levers, gently pull the leg as near as possible to the head. Advanced practitioners may be able to touch their chin to
the raised leg. Variation 2: Stand upright with the feet together and focus on
a fixed point at eye level. Bend the right knee and raise the thigh as high as possible towards the chest. Place the right arm along the inside of the right leg and hold the big toe with the hand. Turn the knee out to the right and slowly straighten the leg to the side.