the movement, bend forward and hold the toes of the outstretched leg.
Bring the forehead to the knee of the outstretched leg. Resume the upright position.
Repeat with the right leg folded in ardha padmasana. Breathing: Inhale and exhale completely before rolling. Retain the breath outside while rolling.
Duration: Up to 5 times with each leg folded.
Awareness: As for druta halasana.
Sequence: This practice should be followed by a backward bending counterpose, such as supta vajrasana or matsyasana, to release the compression in the neck and abdomen. Other details: As for druta halasana. Practice note: Be careful not to strain the muscles of the back or legs. Do not hit the back of the head on the floor.
Stambhan Asana (posture of retention)
This asana requires the participation of two people of similar height and build. Lie on the back with the crown of the head touching that of the other person.
The arms should rest beside the body with the legs and feet together.
The two bodies should be in a single, straight line. Stretch the arms out to the sides at shoulder level and take hold of each other's hands.