Sequence: This practice should be followed by a backward
bending counterpose such as either matsyasana or supta
vajrasana. Contra-indications: Druta halasana should not be practised by
those with sciatica or other back or neck ailments, or by
people with high blood pressure. Benefits: This practice has the benefits of both halasana and
paschimottanasana. It activates the intestinal peristalsis, improving digestion and removing constipation, facilitates the breakdown of fats by exercising the liver and gall
bladder, and stretches the pelvic region. Practice note: The body should be completely stretched out in
the lying position before moving into either halasana or paschimottanasana. This aspect can easily be overlooked as the momentum gathers.
Ardha Padma Halasana (half lotus plough pose)
Sit with the legs outstretched and the feet together. Bend the left leg and place the foot on top of the right thigh in the half lotus position. Place the arms close to the body with the palms facing down. Press down with the hands and roll backward. Move the straight leg over the head and touch the ground with the toes. Roll back to the upright position and, without breaking