Druta Halasana (dynamic plough pose)
Lie flat on the back with the legs and feet together. Place the arms close to the body with the palms facing down. Relax the whole body. Press down on the arms. Rapidly roll the legs over the head, keeping the legs straight, and touch the floor behind the head with the toes. Hold the position for 1 or 2 seconds. Roll the body rapidly back to the starting position. Immediately sit up and bend the body forward into paschimottanasana. Keep the legs straight and try to touch the knees with the forehead. Resume the seated position. This completes 1 round. The practice should be performed with an even flowing
movement. Breathing: Inhale and exhale deeply in the lying position before
starting. Retain the breath outside while rolling back into halasana, forward into paschimottanasana and returning to the seated position.
Inhale and exhale in the seated pose. Duration: Practise up to 10 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on the flow of the movement with the
breath or on the stretch in the back. Spiritual - on manipura chakra.