promotes the production of insulin by the pancreas and improves liver and kidney function. It strengthens the abdominal muscles, relieves spasms in the back muscles, tones the spinal nerves, improving the operation of the sympathetic nervous system, and increases blood circulation to the whole area. It regulates the activities of the thyroid gland which balances the body's metabolic rate, and stimulates the thymus gland, boosting the immune system.
It is used in yoga therapy for the management of asthma, bronchitis, constipation, hepatitis, urinary tract and menstrual disorders.
Variation I: In the final pose, walk the feet away from the head until the body is completely stretched and a tight chin lock is performed. Breathe normally for as long as is comfortable in the final pose.
This position stretches the upper back, including the neck, giving more flexibility to the upper spine.
Variation 2: In the final pose, begin to walk the toes towards the back of the head, keeping the legs straight and together. Take hold of the toes, keeping the arms straight. Breathe normally for as long as is comfortable in the final pose. This position stretches and increases flexibility in the lumbo-sacral region of the spine.
After practising these variations, return to halasana and then to the starting position.