Raise the legs to the vertical position. Using the abdominal muscles, lower the legs to the starting position, keeping
the knees straight. Breathing: Inhale while in the lying position.
Retain the breath inside while assuming the final pose. Breathe slowly and deeply in the final pose. Retain the breath inside while returning to the starting
position. Duration: Beginners should hold the pose for 15 seconds,
gradually adding a few seconds per week until it can be held for one minute.
Adepts may hold the final pose up to 10 minutes or longer. Awareness: Physical - on the abdomen, relaxation of the back
muscles, the respiration or the thyroid gland.
Spiritual - on manipura or vishuddhi chakra. Sequence: If possible, perform this asana immediately after
sarvangasana. To go from sarvangasana to halasana, bring the feet slightly over the head for balance, slowly remove the arms from their position behind the back and place them on the floor in the starting position, palms facing down. Relax the body and slowly lower the legs over the head, keeping them straight and together, until the toes touch the floor. Keep the legs straight and continue as described above. Follow halasana with either matsyasana, ushtrasana or supta vajrasana as a counterpose, practised for half the combined duration of sarvangasana and halasana. It may also be followed by the variations for halasana given at the end of this chapter. Halasana is a good preparatory practice
for paschimottanasana. Contra-indications: This asana should not be practised by those
who suffer from hernia, slipped disc, sciatica, high blood pressure or any serious back problem, especially arthritis
of the neck. Benefits: The movement of the diaphragm which takes place
during the practice of halasana massages all the internal organs, activates the digestion, relieving constipation and dyspepsia, revitalises the spleen and the suprarenal glands,