Contra-indications: This asana should not be practised by those
who are old, infirm, suffering from sciatica or slipped disc. Benefits: It stretches the pelvis, regulates the kidneys, activates
the intestines and removes excess weight.
Practice note: It is recommended for beginners and should be mastered before attempting halasana.
Halasana (plough pose)
Lie flat on the back with the legs and feet together. Place the arms beside the body with the palms facing down. Relax the whole body.
Raise both legs to the vertical position, keeping them straight and together, using only the abdominal muscles. Press down on the arms and lift the buttocks, rolling the back away from the floor. Lower the legs over the head. Try to touch the toes to the floor behind the head. Do not force the toes to touch the floor.
Turn the palms up, bend the elbows and place the hands behind the ribcage to support the back as in sarvangasana. Relax and hold the final pose for as long as is comfortable. Return to the starting position by lowering the arms with the palms facing down, then slowly lower the back and buttocks to the floor.