Poorwa Halasana (preliminary plough pose)
Lie on the back with the legs and feet together. Place the arms close to the body either with the palms of the hands facing down or with the hands made into fists and placed under the buttocks. This is the starting position. Raise both the legs to the vertical position. The buttocks should rest on the floor or on the fists. Lower the legs, bringing the feet towards the head. Separate the legs as far as possible and bring them together again. Maintain a 45 degree angle between the legs and torso.
Slowly lower the legs to the floor, keeping them straight. Breathing: Inhale in the starting position.
Retain the breath inside while raising, separating and lowering the legs.
Exhale after returning to the starting position. Duration: 5 to 10 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on the controlled movement with the
breath or on the thyroid gland.
Spiritual - on manipura or vishuddhi chakra. Sequence: This pose should be followed by a backward bending
counterpose such as bhujangasana or shalabhasana.