Tense the arms and keep them flat on the floor with the elbows straight throughout the practice. The tops of the heads must press against each other. This is the starting position. Partner one should raise the legs, keeping them together, until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds. Lower the legs to the floor. Again the same partner should raise both legs and buttocks from the floor and lower the legs into a horizontal position over the partner so the toes are above the partner's navel. Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly lower the legs and buttocks to the floor, resuming the starting position.
Partner two then performs the practice in the same way. Breathing: Inhale while in the starting position.
Retain the breath inside while raising, holding and lowering the legs.
Exhale after returning to the starting position. Duration: Each partner should practise up to 5 times. Awareness: Physical -- on synchronising the movement with
the other partner, or on the breath or the abdomen.
Spiritual - on manipura chakra. Sequence: This asana should be followed by relaxation in
makarasana or a backward bending counterpose such as setuasana, in order to stretch the abdomen and pelvis in the opposite direction.