Contra-indications: People with high blood pressure, heart
conditions, inflammation of the ear, weak eye capillaries, severe near-sightedness, organically defective pituitary or thyroid glands, arteriosclerosis, cerebral or other thrombosis, severe asthma, tuberculosis, cold or sinusitis, excessively impure blood, slipped disc, weak spine or vertigo should
not practise this asana. Benefits: This asana helps in cases of low blood pressure. It
balances the nervous system, strengthens the neck and head muscles and brings a rich supply of blood to the brain. As a preliminary pose to sirshasana it accustoms the brain to the increased influx of blood and the crown to supporting the weight of the body.
Moordhasana (crown-based pose)
Stand erect with the feet about a metre apart. Bend forward from the hips and place the hands in front of the feet. The weight of the body should be evenly distributed and
supported by the limbs. Stage 1: Place the crown of the head on the floor between the
hands. Raise the arms and take hold of one wrist behind the back.