Bhumi Pada Mastakasana (half headstand)
Assume marjari-asana. Turn the toes under. Place the crown of the head on the floor between the hands. Straighten the knees and raise the buttocks, balancing on the head and feet. Bring the heels together and separate the toes. Raise the arms and clasp the hands or take hold of one wrist behind the back. Come up onto the toes as high as possible. Hold the final pose for as long as is comfortable. Lower the arms and place the hands beside the head. Slowly return to marjari-asana and then lower into shashankasana for a few moments. This is one round. After completing the practice, lie in shavasana before
continuing with the counterpose. Breathing: Normal breathing. Duration: Practise up to 3 rounds, gradually extending the
period in the asana. Awareness: Physical - on the breath, balance or the brain.
Spiritual - on sahasrara chakra. Sequence: This asana should be followed by tadasana.