Stage 2: Raise the heels and balance on the head and toes.
This is the final position. Hold the position for as long as is comfortable. Replace the hands on the floor and then return to the upright position. Relax in the standing position until the body regains its
equilibrium. Breathing: Inhale in the standing position.
Exhale while bending forward. Breathe normally while holding the position.
Inhale while returning to the standing position. Duration: Practise up to 3 rounds. When first practising this
asana hold the pose for a few seconds only, then gradually, over a period of a few weeks, extend the time to one
minute. Awareness: Physical - on respiration and balance.
Spiritual - on sahasrara chakra. Sequence: At the end of the asana programme, before sirsh
asana and followed by tadasana as the recommended
counterpose. Contra-indications: As for bhumi pada mastakasana Benefits: As for bhumi pada mastakasana.