Utthita Janu Sirshasana (standing head between knees pose)
Stand with the feet about one metre apart, arms beside the body and head facing forward. This is the starting position. Raise the arms in front of the body, level with the chest. Bend forward from the hips and take the arms around the outside of the legs. Either grasp one wrist or clasp the hands behind the calves. Bring the head towards the knees by slightly bending the elbows and using the strength of the arm muscles to achieve this. The legs should remain straight. Do not strain. In the final position the trunk rests against the thighs and the wrists or elbows are held behind the calves or lower legs. Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable. Release the hands and slowly raise the body to the upright position with the arms stretched out in front of the chest. Lower the arms to the starting position. Practise up to 5 rounds.