Breathing: Inhale while raising the arms in front of the chest.
Exhale fully before bending. Retain the breath outside while bending forward and holding the final position. Inhale while returning to the upright position.
Exhale while lowering the arms. Awareness: Physical - on synchronising the movement with
the breath, relaxing the back muscles and keeping the legs straight.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Sequence: This asana should be followed by a backward bending
pose such as sarpasana, setuasana or dhanurasana. Benefits: This asana stimulates the pancreas. It relaxes the hip
joints and hamstring muscles, massages the spinal nerves and revitalises the brain by improving the blood supply to
that area. Variation: Stand with the feet about one metre apart. Bend
forward from the hips and wrap the arms around the back of the knees, bending the legs slightly. The arms should be horizontal with the elbows pointing out to the sides. Keeping the legs bent, try to bring the hands forward in between the legs and firmly interlock the fingers behind the back of the neck. Relax the back muscles. Slowly straighten the legs without letting the fingers slip from behind the neck. Do not strain. The action of straightening the legs will apply a strong leverage on the spine and a firm compression of the abdomen. In the final position the head will face backward. Hold the pose for a short duration. Release the position by bending the knees and unclasping
the hands. Slowly return to the upright position. Breathing: Exhale before bending forward.
Inhale after interlocking the fingers behind the neck. Exhale while straightening the legs. Retain the breath out or breathe normally in the final
position. Inhale while returning to the upright posture. Note: This more intense variation is also known as utthan asana.