Awareness: Physical - on synchronising the breath with the
Spiritual - on manipura chakra. Sequence: This asana may be preceded by pada hastasana and
should be followed by a backward bending asana such as
pristhasana, supta vajrasana or matsyasana. Contra-indications: This asana should not be practised by
people suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, back conditions such as slipped disc or sciatica, or sacral
infections. Benefits: This asana stretches the hamstring muscles and
provides a lateral stretch to the spine. It stimulates the nervous system and the appetite, and helps to remove abdominal complaints and constipation. It reduces excess
weight around the waist. Practice note: To avoid overbalancing when raising the body,
keep the leg bent and only straighten it once the torso is upright, then re-centre the body.