Ardha Chandrasana (crescent moon pose)
Start on the knees with the arms at the sides. Take one step forward with the left leg. Bend forward and place the palms of the hands flat on the floor on both sides of the left foot. Stretch the right leg back fully. The right knee and the top of the right foot or the toes should rest on the floor. Arch the back and bend the head backwards. In the final position the elbows should be straight with only the fingertips touching the floor. Return to the starting position by bringing the left leg back beside the right and stand up on the knees.
Repeat the position on the other side. Breathing: Exhale while bending forward.
Inhale while arching the back. Awareness: Physical - on the arched back; on the stretch in
the pelvic region, chest or throat.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana or vishuddhi chakra. Sequence: After forward bending postures. Benefits: This pose limbers and strengthens the entire skeletal
structure. It is especially beneficial for female disorders related to the ovaries, uterus and urinary tract. It gives a good stretch to the chest and neck, relieving respiratory ailments, as well as sore throat, tonsilitis, cough and cold.