Awareness: Physical - on the
movement, the abdominal region, thyroid gland or accentuation of flexion of the back.
Spiritual on vishuddhi or anahata chakra. Sequence: Perform before or after a forward bending asana. It is a good preparatory pose for chakrasana. Contra-indications: People suffering from peptic or duodenal ulcers, or abdominal hernia should not practise kandharasana. It is generally recommended that women in the advanced stages of pregnancy should not practise this pose although, under expert guidance, it has successfully been used to turn the baby when it is a breech presentation. Benefits: This asana may be utilised to realign the spine, eliminating rounded shoulders and relieving backache. It massages and stretches the colon and abdominal organs, improving digestion. It tones the female reproductive organs and is especially recommended for women who have a tendency to miscarry. Kandharasana is used in yoga therapy for the management of menstrual disorders, prolapse, asthma, and various bronchial and thyroid conditions.