Retain the position for as long as is possible without strain. Do not tilt or twist the pelvis.
Lower the leg to the floor.
Repeat the same movement with the right leg.
This is one round.
Breathing: Inhale in the starting position.
Retain the breath inside while raising the leg and in the final position.
Exhale while lowering the leg to the starting position. Duration: Up to 5 rounds when performed dynamically. Up to 3 rounds when performed statically.
Awareness: As for shalabhasana with reduced effects. Benefits: Ardha shalabhasana is recommended in yoga therapy for the management of sciatica and slipped disc if it can be performed without pain. It also alleviates constipation. Practice note: The left leg should be raised first so that pressure is applied on the right side of the abdomen to massage the ascending colon of the large intestine, following the direction of intestinal peristalsis.
Variation: Lie on the stomach with the legs and feet together and the forehead touching the floor.
Stretch both arms above the head in advasana. Place the chin on the floor.
Keep the arms and legs straight throughout the practice. Simultaneously, raise the left leg, the head and right arm as high as possible.
The left leg should be stretched backwards and the right arm stretched forward as they are raised.