Retain the position for as long as possible without straining. Lower the leg, head and arm to the starting position. Relax in advasana, allowing the respiration to return to normal. Repeat the same movement with the right leg and left arm.
This is one round. Breathing: Inhale while raising the leg, arm and head.
Retain while holding the position. Exhale while lowering the leg, arm and head to the starting
position. Duration: Up to 5 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on synchronising the breath with the
movement and on the diagonal stretch through the body from the tips of the toes of the raised leg to the fingertips of the opposite hand.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Benefits: This asana is beneficial for beginners with weak and
stiff backs as it helps to tone the back muscles and stimulate the nerves, particularly in the lower back, while simultaneously giving a strong diagonal stretch to the body. It develops concentration through awareness of coordination of movement with breath.