Contra-indications: People with heart conditions and high
blood pressure should take care not to strain while per
forming this asana. Benefits: Basically the same as for bhujangasana with increased
influence on the chest. In the final position the body weight is supported on the abdomen, pushing the diaphragm towards the chest. This, in turn, pressurises the air within the lungs and helps to open out inactive alveoli, improving both the removal of carbon dioxide and the intake of oxygen. The heart is toned and strengthened by the massage it receives due to the increased pressure within the chest cavity. Sarpasana is very useful for asthmatics. It also helps to release blocked emotions.
Ardha Shalabhasana (half locust pose)
Lie flat on the stomach with the hands under the thighs, palms downwards or hands clenched. Keep both the legs straight throughout the practice. Place the chin on the floor, slightly stretched forward, to give the best possible stretch to the neck muscles and nerves. Using the back muscles, raise the left leg as high as possible, keeping the other leg straight, relaxed and in contact with the floor.