Sarpasana (snake pose)
Lie flat on the stomach with the legs straight and the feet together. Interlock the fingers and place the hands on top of the buttocks. Place the chin on the floor. This is the starting position. Using the lower back muscles, raise the chest as far as possible from the floor. Push the hands further back and raise the arms as high as possible. Imagine the arms are being pulled from behind. Raise the body as high as possible without straining. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and look forward. Hold for as long as is comfortable. Slowly return to the starting position and relax the whole body. Release the hands and relax the arms by the sides of the body. Turn the head to one side.
This is one round. Breathing: Inhale deeply and slowly in the starting position
prior to raising. Retain while raising and in the final position.
Exhale while lowering. Duration: Up to 5 rounds. Awareness: Physical - on the uniform contraction of the spinal
muscles and arms.
Spiritual - on anahata chakra. Sequence: Also a good preparatory pose for bhujangasana.