Hold the final position for as long as is comfortable.
To return to the starting position, lower the feet. Relax in bhujangasana for a few moments.
Release the pose and relax with the arms by the side of the body and the head turned to one side.
This is one round.
Breathing: Inhale while assuming bhujangasana.
Exhale while raising the feet to touch the head with the toes.
Breathe normally in the final position.
Exhale while returning to bhujangasana and while returning to the prone position.
Duration: Up to 3 rounds, gradually extending the duration
in the pose.
Awareness: Physical - on synchronising the breath with the movement, relaxing the spine and the stretch in the abdominal and chest areas. After completing each round, allow the respiration and heart beat to return to normal. Spiritual on swadhisthana chakra.
Sequence: This asana gives maximum benefits if preceded or followed by a forward bending asana.
Practice note: This variation is only suitable for adepts or children over the age of 12 with very supple backs. Benefits: As for bhujangasana with increased levels.