Awareness: Physical - on the stretch of the muscles of the
back and intestines.
Spiritual - on swadhisthana chakra. Benefits: As for bhujangasana, with increased influence on the
intestines. Note: The word tiryaka means 'diagonal' or 'triangular' and is used
because the gaze is directed over the shoulder diagonally across the back of the body to the opposite heel. The direction of the gaze also forms two sides of a triangle, while the width between the shoulders forms the base or third side. In this asana, when performed as part of the shankhaprakshalana series, the breath is exhaled when twisting to the side.
Poorna Bhujangasana (full cobra pose)
Assume bhujangasana. Holding the position, breathe in and out normally a few times. Bend the knees and raise the feet. Stretch the head, neck and shoulders back a little further and try to touch the back of the head with the toes or with the soles of the feet. This is the final position.