Tiryaka Bhujangasana (twisting cobra pose)
Assume the final position of bhujangasana with the legs separated about half a metre. The toes should be tucked under and the heels raised, so that the foot rests on the ball of the foot. The head should be facing forward instead of bending backward as in bhujangasana. Twist the head and upper portion of the trunk, and look over the left shoulder. Gaze at the heel of the right foot. In the final position, the arms remain straight or slightly bent as the shoulders and trunk are twisted. Try to feel a diagonal stretch of the abdomen. Relax the back and keep the navel as close to the floor as possible. Stay in the final position for a few seconds. Face forward again and repeat the twist on the other side without lowering the trunk. Return to the centre and lower the body to the floor.
This is one round. Breathing: Inhale while raising.
Retain the breath inside while twisting to both sides.
Exhale while lowering to the floor. Duration: Practise 3 to 5 rounds.